1'01118 OJ' UU.OllU.1'lOif .UD J'U'flf. 1Q7
"And the bay waa white with ailent light,
Till rising from the same,
Full many ahapea that ahadowa were,
In crimson colours came.
- A litUe diat&n.ee from the prcnr
Thoee erimaOJl shadows were :
I tum'd my ere• upon the deek-
Oh, Christ wba~ aaw I there I
".Each oorae I.y fiat, lifeleu and fl.at,
And, by the holy rood I
A man all light, a aeraph·man.
On every conte there aWoJ.
"Thle ae-raph·band, each wand hia'haad;
It wu a haaveniy light 1
They etood aa eignN.a to the lmd,
Each one a lovely light;
"Thle aerapb-band, each waved h.ia bud,
No voioe did tbey impart-
No voioe; but obI the ellenoe I!Mllt
Like m111ic on my b~art.
"Bot aoon I heard the dash of 04111,
I heard the Pilot's cheer;
My head was turn'd ped"oroe &way,
And I anw a boat appear.
" The Pilot Uld tb. Pilot'a boy,
I heard them coming ft.lt:
Dear Lord in heaven! it was a joy
The de.d •en ClO'lld not blaat.
"I aaw a ~itQ-I hevd \ia voice:
It ia the Hermit good I
He eingeth loud his godly hymne
That be makes in the wood.
He'll abrieve myaoul, he'll wuh •-7
The Alba.tram'• blood. ..