A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1
POIIKB 01' llU.GJNA.TIOlf A1n> ~"'-110'1, 111

O•a apea a mldalgbt dreary, while I poDder'd, w.Jr ad _,.,
Onr IOAli.J I qutat IDd emioa Yolam• or for,otten lo,.._
Wblle J nod.ded, near-ly aapplng, euddtnly there c:ame a tapplnc,
Aa or eome one gently npplng, rapping at my etuomber--door.

  • 'T!a aomo 't'leltor," I multeted. "tapping at my chambtMoor-
    On11 tim, and nothing mol'l."'

Ah I dtetlnotly T remember It wu ln the bleak Deoembe'l',
And eaob uparale dying ember wrought lte gboet apon the11oor.
E~rl~ l ..Uh'd the morrow ;-uiDiy l had _,bt to botrow
Fnlm my boob - or eonvw-80ft'O" for tbe loet IADore-
l'or tb• ,...,.. ud r..Uant mtJden •bom the 1npl1 na-Ltnora-
lfCDeleu ben ror •• -.

And tbe tllbn 1011d uncertala rultftng or each porple eartaln
Tbrlll'd me-ftll'd m• with faataatio terron nner felt btfon;
8o that now, to etlll the bet.tlng of my beut, t elood nputtnc,
"'Tit tome 1''-ltor entreatiDg eutorance at "'1 chamber-door-
Some lata •Wtor enbutlog entHDM at my chamber-door;
Tbil it l.s, and nothiDJ more.. •

Preeenlly my 110111 grew at'l'onger 1 healtatlng then no longt-r,
"Sir," aald T, "01' mRdam, traly yoa.r fOrw!noeet I Implore 1
Bl1t the tllet 11 I ••• ntlpplng, alld so gently 7011 oanM 'l'lpphrP,:,
And 10 falnUy you came tapping. t.applng It IDY obamll4n-door,
Tbdleoaree wuaare I beard yoo:"-bereJ OJK'D'd wide the door;-
Darlm-there, and nothing men.

Deep Into that dartn-pHriDg, long I atood there wonderiDg. tllarlog,
Doublloc. cJre•mlng dre-. no martel ner dared to dream Wore;
Bot the tilene. WN nnbronn, &lid tbe tlllln-pn DO tobn,
.And the only wonl tben tpoloea wsa the wblaper'd word. "IAAore P ~
Thla 1 wblaper'd, a:nd an eobo munoor'd bt.ek the word, "Lenore I "-
l .. rely tllil, and notbiDg more.

Baclt Into I he chamber tumlniJ, all my eoul wiLIIIn mt bamlng,
8ooo agal.n t beard a tapping aometblnglonder than belbre.
,. Surely,• aald J, "fDtely \bat u. aometblng at my window lllttlce:
L~ me tee. then, wllat thereat Is, and tl1la mystery •xplol'&-
Let my heart be atJll a moment. and thla myttery ~xplore;-
'Til the wind, and notbl11g more. •

Ope• liere l Gong the abutter, wlien. wltb "!Dany 1 flirt IIDd ftutler;
[n tbere etepp'd • atately Raven of tbe aalntly d&ya ot yaH.
Not tbe Je.ut obe~ante made be; not a mlnuteatopp'd or ltly'd-be;
Bot, with mien of lord or lady, pereb'd abon my chambtJ'..dOIIr-
l'en:h'd upon a bwot of P nllae, Jo!lt a bon my ohltnbtl'door-
hn:b'd, and •t. and notblng more. /
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