'lbeu tbll ebony bird beguiling my oad !bey Into IDlllin&
By the gnn aDd atem decorum of the 001111tenuce It wore,
"1bongl'ltby aatbeaboro and abann, thoa,~ r wd, "art llllft no~.
GhuUy,ptm. &Dd &Ddea\ RanD, wanderlllg from the NlghUy abore.-
TeU me what thy lonUJ nJUDe Ia on the Night' a rtntoolall shore I"
QIIOUl the Rann, "Neore1more. •
Kuob I lllllrfcll'd tbla anptnly fowl to heat diJcoane eo ))llllnly.
Tboagb Ita &IIIWer Utue me&Din<-Uttle relenney bore;
FOI' we e&Dnot help ogreelng that no Uorlng human beln1
Eyer yet wu bleu'd with eeetn1 bird abon hia ebamber·door- •
Bll:d 011 bead upon tbe .calptured boa& a bon bla cbamber-<loor,
With 1uob name u "Nennnon."
.But the Rann, llltllnglonelT on that plaeld ba.t, 1polce onl7
That one word, u II hla eoulln tha& one word be dld out pool'.
Nothing farther then be uttu'd; not a leather then he lluttel'd-
.nu I acarcelt more tb&D mntter'd. "Other friendl hne lloW11 hero,.,__
On t he morrow lie wW leave me, aa my Hopea hne down before.•
TheD tbe blrd aald, "Nnennore.•
8tarlled at tbe atillnee~ brolten by "'PlY eo apllf apolcen,
- Doubtleu,~ aald J, "what It nttut Ia Ita only atoell: aDd atore..
CauJht fro1D eome unhappy ID.UW, wh0111 =erdf'al Diea&lAlr
Follow'd rut aDd follow'd fa.ter, Ull bla 1011g1 one harden bore-
Till tbe dirlel ot bla Hope that melancholr borden bore,
Of • Never-nevermore.'"
But the Baoren atnl begalllng all mr oad eoullnto amlling,
Stralgbt l wbeel'd a eOih.lon'd -~In &ont of bird, and bu.lt, and door;
'l'ben upon the oreloret .Suklng, I betook myaelf to llnlclng
F aacy unto tanoy, thlnltJng what thia omln.oiU bird or yo.,.
What tbla ,..sm, unpl.nly, glt .. Uy, g!lDDt, aod oiDinoUJ bird or yo1"14
Meant lo croaking • Nennnore.~
Tbla l eat engaged in guealllg, but no ayllable ezprustnc
To the towl wh~ llery eyes now bum'd iato mr boacm't core;
1bt. and more r aat divining, .nth my head at eue recllnlng
On the CWihlon'• orehet lln!Qg that the lamplight gloated o'er,
But '!fboee yet vet '!'lolet lining, with the lam~llght gJoatJng o'er,
BM &ball P'-, ab, nnermore I
The~!, mdhOIOllbt. the alr grew dent er, perftlmed &om an ~n ceJI&U
Swung by Seraphim, whoee footft.lls tinkled ou the tufted door.
"Wretch I" I cr.led, "tb_y God hath lent thee-by tbeae angela be l11tb
eent thee
lleeplt6-retplte and nepenthe from tby mtmoriet of Lenore I
Qua11', ob qoatr tbl1 lclnd nepenthe, and !orfet tbllloet Lenore t"
Qaoth the Ra.nn, "Nenrmore I"
"Prophet!" u.ld t, "thing of e\il!-prophet eUU, if bird or deorU! -
Whether tempwr tent, Q.r whether tem,peat tooa'd thee bcre aabore, •
Deeolate, yet all undaunted, on t&J.. d-rt land enobanted-
On tbla homo by Rorrer haaated-tell me trnlr, I implore,
It there-il then~ balm In Gilead ?-tell me-tell me, I Implore t"
Quotb tbe R•vell, '' Nevermore.•