A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1
l'OIDUI OJ' DU.Gili.M'1011' UD J'UCT. 113

  • ~,,,. Mid r, " tblDg ot nn t-ptOpb« ltiU. If blr4 « denlt-
    B,. w' Beano Ulat belldJ abon -111 &bat Ood we bcKb adoe.-
    Tdl lhla 10111 wltb IIOtJ'OW bdeD, It wltbiJl the dlotut A.JdeDD.
    .lt aball otup a eaiDied maldua wbom &be 1o114elt oame LeDor.-
    Ciup a rve a.Dd radlult maldeo wbom the &D4tll u-o ~nont •
    QQoth the Baveu, "Ne•..,

' ' Be Ulat word oa.r alp ofpartlag. bird or llead t• J abrtek.'d apatartlag-
" Get tbee back Into tbe t.empeat aad tbe Nl&bt't PlutoJll&D t bore I
Lean DO black pluJDe U a toltOD of Ulat U.. tb1 tOW bath apol<en I
Lene 1111 looel.lu-uobroken 1-qlllt tbe b~~at above m,. door I
Take Uly beak from oul m1 beart, &ad take tb7 fOrm from oil' ID 1 4oor t •
Quolb tbo ltann, u Nevermore.•

ADd Ule Raven, nnr llitl!Jlg, ltlll II lltUog, ltlll II lltttur.
On &he pallld bo.e' of Pallaa,J111t abo.a 1111 cbamber..:loor;
A ad bla -rn bave all tbei«JDiilg ot a demoD'I Ui&t Ia dreaming,
.Alld the lamp.llcbt tier him me&aliAg thro .. bJI ebadow 0t1 tbe &101'1
bd m71011l from out that abadow tb&t U111 lloat1Dg oa tbelloor,
6hall be llft4d.-neVUJDON I

l:kc Japn fllllla.

IT was a nlley fi.ll'd with sweetest aoundat
A languid music haunted everywhere,-
Like that with which a summer--eve abounds,
From rustling corn, and song-birds calling clear,
Dowt1 alopin!{ uplancla 1 which some wood aurrounrla,
With tmkhng rille just heard, but not too near;
Aod low of cattle on the distant plo.in,
And peal of far.ofl' belle, now caught, then lost again.

It Jllem'd like Eden's angel-peopled nit,
So bright the ak;r:, eo soft the stream& did Bow ;
Such tones CJ~.me rtdiog on the muak-wiog'd gale,
The very air aeem'd sleepily to blow;
And choicest tlowere enamell'd every dale,
Fluah'd with the ricbea~ euolijtbt'a roay glow:
It waa a valley drowsy with dol1ght,
Such fragrance floated roun d, such beauty dimm 'd the sight.

The golden-belted bees humm'd in the air,
The t.t.ll ailk ~ea bent and waved along;
The trees slept 10 the steeping euobeam'a giBl·e,
The dreamyt·iver chimed ita underaoog,
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