And took ita own free ooune without a Clar9:
.Amid the boughs did lute-tongued songsters throng,
And the green valley throbb'd beneath their laya,
While echo echo chased, through many a leafy maze.
And shapes were there, like spirite of the fiowera,
Sent down to see the Summer-beauties dreBB,
And feed their ~ant moutba witllailver showers ;
Their eyes peep'd out from m&TlJ' a green rece•,
And their fair forma made light the thick·aet bowers;
The very flowers aeem'd eager to care99
Such living sisters; and the boughe 1 long-leaved,
Cluster'd to catch the eigha their pearl-ftash'd bosoms
One through her long loose hair was backward peeping,
Or throwing, with rai11ed arm, the locka Mide;
.Another high a pile of ftowere wu heaping,
Or looking love Mkance, and, when descried,
Her coy glance on the bedded greeasward keeping;
She pull'• I the ftowers to piece~> as she eigb'd;-
Then blush'd like timid day-hreak when tlie dawn
Looks crimson on the night, IUld then again 'a withdrawn.
One 1 with her warm and milk-white arms outspread,
On tip-toe tripp'd along n sun-lit glade;
Half tur o'd the matchless sculpture of her head,
And ha.lf shook down her silken circling braid ;
She eeem'd to float on air, eo light she aped;
Her bnck-blown scarf an al'cbM rainbow m~de,
She akimm'd the wavy flowers, as she p888'd by,
With fair and print-like feet, like clouds along the sky.
One eat alone within a sbady nook,
With wild· wood songs tbe lazy hours beguiling;
Or looking at her shadow in the brook,
Trying to frown, then at the effort smiling-
Her laughing eyes mock'd enry serious look ;
Twas as if Love stood at him.selheviling:
She threw iu. ftowera, and watch'd them float away,
Then at her beauty look'd, then sang a sweeter lay.
Others on beds of roses lay reclined,
The regal flowers athwart their full lips thro'lnl 1
Aud in one fra.pnce both their sweets combined,
As it they on the aelf.lame stem had gTown;