POBliS OJ' IJU.GUIAT10lr .A1fD Pi.lfCT. 117
Of\ on the dr.ppled turf' at eue
I Bit and play with aimilea,
Looee typea of thinga through all depN,
T!iougbta of thy raising:
And many a fond and idle name
I give to thee, for praise or blame,
As ill the humour of the game,
While I &lfl gazing.
A nun demure of lowly port ;
Ot-eprightlymaideu of Love's court.,
In tby eimplieity the aport
or all temptation• ;
A queen in crown of ntbiea dreat;
A etarveling in a acADo/ veat ;
Are all. aa aeeme to autt thee beat,
Thy appell~tioDB.
A little cyclops, with one eye
Stuing, to threaten and deCf,
That thought comes next.-aud inat4ntly
The freak is over,
The ebape will vanish, IWd behold
A silnr shield with boaa of gold,
That spreada itaeff, some fairy bold
In fight to cover!
I eee tbee glittering from afar -
And then thou art a pretty etar;
Not quite eo fair as nu10y are
In heaven above thee I
Y et like a. star, with glittering crest,
&Jf-poiaed in air thou seem' at. to rest ;-
May p eace come never to his nest
Who sbu.U :reprove thee I
Bright FlotDer I for by that name at last,
When all my r everies are past,
I call thee, and to that cle,.ve fast,
Sweet silent crenture!
Tibat breath'st with rue in sun and ~lr,
Do thou, as thou art wont, repair
My heart with gladness, and a abare
Of thy meek nature J