A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1
J'ODIB 01' JlUOlll.t.TlOlJ Al.~D .FAlllCT. U3

cfnbl& il ~o6t's lnor().

Ou, never rudely will I blame thia faith
Iu the might of a tara and angela! 'Tia not merely
The hu.mau being'• pride that people. apace
With li!e and myaLie&l pre.lominance ;
Since likewiae for the stricken heart of love
Tbia visible ne.ture, and thia oommou world,
h e.ll too narrow ; yea, a deeper import
Lurb in the legent.l told my J.nfaot years
Than liee upon that tTUtb we live to learn.
For fable is love'• world, hia home, his birthpluce:
Delightedly dwo~lls h.e 'mong fay .. and taliimaus,
And 11pirit.e; and delightedly believes
Divinities, being bim.eelf ill vine.
The intelligible forma of ancient poeta,
The fair h11ma.nitiea of old religion,
The power the beauty, and the LO!ljeaty,
Th11thad t&eir hnuot.e in dale, or piuy mountain,
Or forest by slow stream, or peLbly 11priog,
Or chaams ant.! watery depths; aU these have nuiah'J.
They live no longer in the faith of reaaon I
But atill the heart doth need a language, etill
Doth the old inst~uct bring back the old names,
And to yon starry world they now are gone,
Spirit.a or goda, that uaed to ah.re this earth
With m:w aa with th~ir frieud; and to tbe lover,
Youder they move, from yonder>vi..lible sky
Shoot iuduence down : and enn at this day
'Tis Jupiter who briu~e wb11te'er ia great,
A.od Venue who brings every thing that's fair I
Tran.al<Uad from &MI.kr. CoLBBlDGl:.

cfnirn ~ot.e.

0 L18T the myatio lore sublime
or f&iry t&lee of aocient time l
I leo.ru'd them in t.he lonely glen,
The laat &boUee of living men ;
There never at1-auger Cl:iJIIe our way
By am!lmer night, or wiuter day;
Where neighbourin~ hind or cat waa none,
Our convene wu w1th heaven I!Jone--


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