PO&llS OJ' IlUOilU'l10!f ~D ruCT. 127
The wheel of fortune guide you,
'l'he boy with tho bow beside you
Run &ye in tho way
Till the bird of d&y
And the luckier lot betide yoa!
Smro no ten! 0 abed no tear I
The tlower will bloom another year.
Weep no more I 0 weep no more I
Young buds alee)) in the root'• white core.
Dry/onr eyes I 0 d ry your eyes I
For waa taught in Paradi.ee
To eaae my brua~ of melodie.--
Shed no*'".
Overhe&d! look onrhead I
'Moog the bloesome white &nd red-
Look up, look op I I flutter now
Ou thia fr!'!lh pomegrnnate bough.
See me I 'tia tbia ei.fnry bill
Ever cures the good tnAn'a ill.
Shed no tear! 0 abed no ~r!
The flower will bloom another year.
Adieu, &dieu-1 tly--adieu!
1 vanish in the heaven's blue-
Adieu, Adieu!
~ Jakt anb a ~if! ~011t .imtg.
A LAXZ a.nd a f&iry boat,
To aail in the moonlight clear-.
And merrily we would ftoa~
From the dngone that wetcb ua here!
Thy gown 11bould be snow-white silk ;
And atriogs of orient pearls,
Like goesamel"8 dipp'd in milk,
Should twill& with thy l't\Ven CtJrls!
Red rubies should deck thy luuu.la,
And diamonds should be thy do~I"
But f&iriee have broke their wanda,
.Alid wishing has loat ite power. HooD.