A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1

POml!l 07 IIU.ODfAT1011' An ~..uror,

(^11) I met a l&dy in the meada,
Full beautiful-& faJ!ry'a child
Her hair waa long, her foo~ wu iight,
And her eyes were wild.
(^11) I mAde a garland for her head,
And bn.celeta too, and fr~t zone ;
She look'd at me as she did love,
And made sweet moan.
" I eet her on my pacing ateed,
And nothing else saw aU day lon~t;
For aideloog would she bend, and IIIJlg
A f.a.&y'a aoog.
" She found me roota of reliah .weet,
And hooey wild, and manua dew J
And IU1'$ in language atl'ange ahe lAid-
' I lon thee true I'
"She took me to her eJ.Jin grot,
And there abe wept, and aigh'd fullaore,
And there I shut her wild wild eye.
With .k.iaaea four.
"ADd there abe lullM me asleep,
And there I dream 'd-ah I woe betide I
The lat.eat dream I ever dream'd
On the cold hill'a aide.
(^11) I MW pale kings and priocee too,
Pale warrion, death-J)&le were they all;
They cried-r La Belle l>ame sana Merci
Hath thee in thrall!'
"I aaw their starved Ups in the gloom,
With horrid warning, gaped wide ;
And I awoke and found me here,
On tbe cold hill'a side.
(^11) And this ia why I sojourn here, •
Alone and palely loiterin~;
Though the sedge is wither d from the lake,
And no birds aillg.''

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