130' PODIJ OJ' DU.OD!.l'l'JOlf .AJID J'AlfCI',
~ Jnimb ~Pit! ba tbt ~kon.
BT the ehore, a plot of ground
Olipe a ruin'd cliapel roond,
Buttreu'd with a grasey mound ;
Where Day and Night and Day go b_~
And bring no touch or human eound.
Waahing of the lonely aeaa,
Shaking of the guardian trees,
Piping of the salted breeze ;
Day and Night and Day go by
To the endleaa tune of theee.
Or when, aa winde and watera k~p
A hush more dead than any sleep,
Still morns to stiller neninge creep.
ADd Pay and Night and Day ge by •
Here the silence ia m011t deep.
The chapel-ruins, lapsed agala
Into Nature's wide domaiu,
Bow thell18elves with aeed and grain
As Day and Night and Da.y go by;
And hoard .Tune's sun and April'• rain.
Here fresh funeral te&ra were shed ;
Aud now, the graves are .leo dead ;
And auckers f'rom the aah-tree spread,
While Day and Night and Day go .by;
.And 11tars move calmly overhead: .A:i.Lr.BGB.Alf.
Jl,ubla )gttrr i Dl', ~ Bisiorc in a Jrtam.
.tL n&G111Jm'l',
b Xanadu did Kublo. Khii.Il
A stately pleaauriHlome decree:
Where Alph, the sacred river, ran
Through caverns measnreleu to man,
Down to a sunless sea.
So! twice five miles of fertile JlYOnnd,
With walls and towers were ~1rd~d TOUUd:
And there were gardena br1ght with ainuQua rill.s,
Where bloasom'd lllAD.Y an inoe .. bearf:.DH.Uee;
And here were foroata ancient lUI the hil1a,
Enfolding sunny spots of greenery.