A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1

:But. oh I th11t deep romantic chum, which slanted
Down tbe green bill, athw&rt a cedarn cover I
A aavage place! as holy and enchanted
a& e'er beneath a waning moon wee httunted
:By womanl wailing for her spirit-laver;
And from ttu. ebal!m, with cea.seleu tunnoileeethmg,
As if thla earth in fut thick pa.b.ta were breathing,
A mighty foun\ain momently was forced;
Amid whose awift h a.lf intermitted bunt
Huge fl'll~ments, vaulted like rebounding h11.1l,
Or chaffy grain beneath the threaber'a ftail:
And 'mid these dancing rocks at once and l!Vllt,
It flung up momenUy the aa~ r'it-et'.
Five miles meandering, with a Wl\21)' mott~n,
Through wood and dille the saCI'8d river r&n,
Theu reach'd the ea vert18 meai!Ureleaa to ma.n,
And aank in twnult to a lifeleu ocean ;
And 'mid thia tumult Kubla heard fTom !Ar,
Anceatral voices prophesying •ar'l

The ehadow of the dome of pleuo..t'e 1
Floated midway on the wavee;
Wher e \lt'a.e beard the mingled meu~,
From the fountain and the ct.Vea.
It was a miraole of rare de vi~
A sunny pleasure-dome with ce.vea of ioe I
A damsel with a dulcimer,
In a. vision onoe I lAW:
It wu an Abyaaini:an maid,
And on her dulcimer abe play'd,
Singing of Mount Abora..
Could I revin within me
Her sympho~zy o.nd eo~
To eucb a deep delight twould win ue,
That, with music loud IUI.d l011g,
I would build that dome in air,
Th.a.t eunny dome I t.hOilG cave~ of kle I
And all who heard, should aee them there,
And all should cry, Beware I Bewar. I
His fu\abing eyes, his tloating hair I
Weave a circle round him thrioe,
And close you r eyes with holy dread,
For be on honey-dew hath fed,
And drunk the milk or Faudl.e. Oor..nmGK.
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