'POEMB OJ' txAGil!A.TlOlJ .uti> PAll! CT. 133
Met that unclouded joyous gaze,
As torches that have bumt all night
Through some impure and godleu rite,
Encounter morning's glorioas rays.
:But, hark I the vesper calla to prnyer,
All slow the orb of daylight eeta,
Is rising sweetly on the air
From Snu.'s tbouaand minarets I •
The boy has started from the bed
Of tlowers, where he had laid hia head,
And down upon the fragrant sod
Kneels, with his foreli63d to the •ou~
Lisping the etemalname of God
:E'rom Purity's own cherub mouth,
.And looking, while his hands a.nd eyes
Are liftM to the glowing akie~~,
Like a stray babe of Paradise
Just lighted on that liow'ry plain,
And aeeking for ite home as-in.
Oh! 'twas a aight-that heaven-that child-
A acene, which might have well beguiled
Ev'n haughty Eblis of a sigh
For glories foet and peace gone by I
And now felt !uJ, the wretched mnn
Reclining there-while memory ran
O'el' mau,y a year of guilt and strife,
Flew o'er the dark ftood of hia life,
Nor foUDd one mnny resting-place,
Nor brought him back one branch of graee.
"There 'IIKU a time," he said in mild,
He~~.rt-bumbled tones-" thou blesaed child I
" When, young and haP.PY• pure as thou,
"I look'd and pl'&y'd hke thee-but now--''
He hung his head-each nobler Aim,
.Acd hope, and feeling, which had slept
1'1~·:-:oft·:e~=·~o~t:!.o£ rr."'.:~u:: ~ ':fi ~~.
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""' •boot, In that ••l'l' place they ch.ance t o ~nd on: b1110mac1J tbai .,hea a
janallll&f1 .,bom yoo llaY81<> pard yoll op and do'"' the elty, hoan the aotloo
whlob.la ~.~. him rrom the otet.plea, ho wllltotn abo at, etanclatlll, and beckon
"'lth h11 Mnd, I;) tellll'-ollotpllo motl ll.-.epaUencefi>r awhiJ<I; Wbtfl, talllb8
oat ble lwldkerohlef, he opreaclt It oa tbe ll'Oand, olla ..-legred thereupon,
ond -• b'-P.""'""" tboowb In the open market, whleb, b1'rloc ended, h Itt pot
brllkly a:;. Ulat.ol t.b.e paraon wbom be aodenook to ooo"":t, aad rene"" lill
~~ ~-~~!~d~lon of OMU go.\11"11"' qhtU; or,IJOmo, deer, lbUo.,