A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1

I'O'DS OJ' DUGDr.4J'lOW ~ J'.A.JnW, 18&

"Beware the pine-tre.'a witherld bnace J
Beware the awful a"ftlanohel "
Tbia wu the peuu~t's l111t Good-aigh~ J
A voice reJil,ied, far up the height,
At break of day, as heaven ward
Tbe pious monka of Saint Bernard
Utter'd the o~repeated prayer,
A voice cried thro~gh tho atartled a[r,
A traveller
by the faithful hound,
lhlf-burie<l in the IUOW W'U £olUld 1
Still gruping in his hand of ice
Tliat bu.nv with the etrange dmoe,

There, in the twili~ht cold and V?-7•
L ifeless, but beautLful, h e lay
And from tho sky, eereue an~ far,
A voice fell, like a falling eta.r,
Excelaior I Lo11onu.ow.

qe cfallm ~ngd.e Jlrlh'trtb.sphr to ear.

.Au. these and more came fiocldng; but with loob
Downcaat and clamp, yet such wherein appeu'd
Obecure some glimpae of joy, to hue found their Chief
Not in deapair, to have found themNlvea not 1~
lD 1018 it.aelf: which on hia countenance cut
Like doubtful hue: but he, his wonted pride
Soon recollecting, with high. worda, that bore
Semblance of worth, not eubet.anoe, gently railed
Their fainting courage, IU!d diapell'd their reare.
Then etr&ight commands, that at. the warlike sound
Of trumpets loud antl clariooa be uprear'd
Hie mighty at.andard : that proud hoaoW' olaim'd.
Aza.zel aa his right, a Cherub tall;
Wbo forthwith from the ~littering atall'unfurl'd
The imperialeiiBign; whtch full high advanced,
Bbone llke a meteor at.reaming to the wind
With gems and golden 1nstre rich embla.zea,
Serapliio arma and t.rophlee ; all the whil•
Souoroua metal hlowin4r uw:tial10unc.l.e :

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