A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1


At which the uniYereal hoet up eent
A about that tore Hell'• concave, and beyond
Frighted the reign of Cha.oe and old Night.
All in a moment through the gloom were aeeo
Ten tbouaand banners rise into the air
With orient colours waving : with them rOle
A. foreet huge or SJ?8ar& ; and thronging belma
Appear'd, and aerned shield& in thick array
Of depth immeasurable: anon they move
In perfect phalanx to the DoriAn mood
Of Butes and soft recorders; such aa rn.iaed
To height of noblest temper herooe old
Arming to battle ; and instead or rage
Deliberate valour breathed firm and unmoved
With dread of death to ftil{ht or foul retreat;
Nor wanting power to mit1gate and 'auage
With aolemn touches troubfed thoughts, and chaae
Allg\lillh, and doubt, and feAr, and eorrow,•and pain,
From mortal or immortal minda. Thue they,
Breathing united force with fixM thought,
Moved on in silence to eoft pipea, that oharm'd
Their painful stepe o'er the burnt eoil : and now
Advanced in view they ~t.and ; a horrid front
Of dreadful length and dazzling anna, in guie&
Of warriors old with order'd spenr and shield;
Awaiting what command their mighty chief
Had to impose : he through the annM files
Darts hie experienced eye, and soon traverse
The whole battalion views; their order due,
Their visAges and stature ae of gods ;
Their number last he soma. And now hie heart
Distends with pride, and hard'ning in hie strength,
Oloriee: for neYer, since created man,
Met euch embodied force, as named with these
Could merit more than that amall infantry
Warr'd on by cranes; though &ll the giant bl'OOd
Of Phlegra with the heroie race were join'd
That fought at Thebes and Dium, on each si4e
Mix'd with aux.ilia.r goda; and what reeoonda
In fable or romance ofUther'a eon
Begirt with British and .Armoric knights;
And all who since, haJ>tized or intiJel,
Jousted in .Aepramont or Montalban,
J)amaaco, or Maroeco, or Trebisond,
Or whom Bi.aerl.a sent from Afrio abore,
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