A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1

138 PO..S W IXAGtll~lr ~lfD J'UCT.

Yet, ~e'-lilte. Uat lone one etood,
W[th tlauntl~a worde and high.
That ehook the eere l.eane from the wood
Ae if r. .torm pue'd by,
Sayi.Dg. " We are twins in death, pro11d Sclll,
Thy face ia cold, thy nee ia run,
'Tia Mercy bide thee go.
For thou, ten tbo11.1and thouaand yean,
Rut eeen the tide of bulliAn tears,
That ehallno longer .dow.

"What thongh beneath thee man put forth
Hia pomp, hla pride, hi11 skill ;
.And arts that made fire! ftoo<l, and earth,
The V'.r.ssala of hie wil ;-
Yet mourn T not thy parted sway,
Thou dim discrownM king of day :
For aU tboae tropbied arta
And triumphs tbat bene~tb thee sprang,
Heal'd not a p&BSion or a pang
Entail'd on h11man hearts,

"Go, let oblivion's curtain fa.U
Upon the ~itaffo of men,
Nor with thy l'teing beama rooa.ll
Life's. tragedy again.
rte piteous pageant& bring not back,
No.r waken 6eah, upon the rack
Of pain anew to writhe;
Btretch'd in diaea.se'e 11hapee a bborr\J,
Or mown in battle by tbft sword
Like grass beneath the eoythe.

"EY'n I am weary in yon ekiee
To watch thy fadi11g fire i
Teet of all eumleu agoniee
Behold not me expire. '
My ~ipe that apeak thy dirge or. death-
Their rounded gasp a.nd gurglini breath
To ee.e thou ehalt not bout.
The ecll)lBe of Nature spree.de my Plill.-
The maJesty of darkneaa ehul
Rece1ve my partiu~ ghost..
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