A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1
" T.hia apirit shall return to Him
That gave ita heaorenly apark ;
Yet thiDk not, Sun, it eball be dim
When thou thyaelf ari dark I
N~ I it ehall Jive again, and lhine
l,u bli11 unkno.u to beam.e of thine,
By Him reoall'd to breath,
Wbo captive led captivity,
Who robb'd tbe grave ofviotory,
And took the sting from death I
" Oo.J.. Sun, while Merey holds me up
vn Nature's awful waste,
To driuk this lAst a.nd bitter cup
or grief that ma.n shall ta.ate-
Go, tell the night that hides thy fuce,
Thou aaw'st the !nat of Adam'• rae•
On E!utb'e eepuJchral clod,
The darkening universe defy
To quench his Immort:J.!!_ty 1
Or ahake hie trust in l.i0<1 1.. O.urPli&Lt..


Ts&u in hie bosom SApience doth eit,
Tbe sovereip darling of the Deity,
Clad like a queen in royal robes, most fit
For so great power and peerless ma.jeet:r ;
And aU with gems and jewels gorgeously
Adorn'd 1 that brighter than the stArs appea.~·,
And make her n,ative brightnBI!I seem more clear.
And ou her bead a crown of purest gold
Ia eet, in sign of highest sowereignty;
And in her hand uoeptre ahe doth hold
With which ehe rulea \be hou.ee o( God an: high,
And man&geth the eveNnnving aky,
Anti in the IIAIDe theee lower CrtA.tn~ all
Subjected to her powel' imperial.
Both heaven and earth obey unto her wiU,
And all the creatures which they both contain :
For of her fulnees, which the world doth fill.
Tber aU Pl\fta~eJ and do in state re~al~,
A.a their great MAlter did at ftrst ordain ;
Tbro~h obaervo.tion of her high be heat,
By whioh they fi.nt were made and atilllncnweJ.

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