A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1

l.tl\ PODS OJ' llrAGIFAT'IOW ,uro J'.!l!OT.

The Wme811 or her ra.ee no tongue can tell!
For abe tbe da11ghten of all women' a race,
And angela eke, in beauty doth excel,
Sparkled on her from Ood'a OWll gloriona face.
.Alld moJ"e increased by her own goodly gnce,
That it doth far exceed all human thought,
Nor can on ean.h compared be to aught.

l:ht ipirif'e 45pilogm in '011t11s.

To the Ocean now I fly,
And thoee happy climes tb~t lie
Where day never abuts bia eye,
Up in the broad fields of the aky:
There I mck the liquid air
All amidst the gardena fair
Of Heaperna, and hia daughters three,
That sing about the golden tl'ee :
Along the crisp6d shades &nd bowen
Revels the spruce and jocund Spring ;
The Graeea, and the roay·boeom'd Houra,
Thither all tbeu· bounties bring ;
There eterniU enmmer dwella 1
And west-winds, with musky wing,
About the cedarn alleys fling
Nard and Ouaia's bt1lmy smelJL
Iris there with humid bow
Watera the oclorous baob, that blow
Flowera of more mingled hue
Than her purfled ecarf can a hew,
And drenChes with Elysian dew
(Liat, mortals, if your eara be true),
Beds of hyacinth and roeea,
Where young Adonia oft repoaea,
W &Xing well of his deep wound
In slumber soft, and on the gronnd
Sadly aitll the Aseyrian queen:
Bnt far above in apangled sheen
Celestial Cupid, her famed eon, advanced,
Holda hia dear Psyche eweet entranced.
A.fUl' her wandering lD.boun long,
Till free consent the goda among


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