Hi l'OIDD 01' DUfltlU.'l'tOlf £.1f1) P.\lfer,
Hi~h enthroned in palaoe aolden 1
Fa1rer Queen was ne'er behold.n J
Men of every clime and aea
Eend to her & reverent ~
Swell her train, aud about wi'h gl..-
"God eave our Queen Moetno.ylle , ..
All the A.rta the1 oall her Mother I
Science, too-their younger brot.her-
Waita upon her, u a lover
Doth around his mistreaa hover l-
Beauty, Order, Liberty,
Environ Queen MnelllOIIyne!
She inapiree their tmtry dutlf,
Gives to every gnce new bean~:
Wit and Fancy to her bring
llany a votive offering ;
The little birds on ~very tree,
Praise the good .Mn.emocyne!
Bhe 1 u in a book 1 doth read
Every thought and every deed ;
Before her, as ~tn open scroll,
Naked stands the liulnan eoal ,_
Trembling, fearing, hoping, aee-
It eupplietltea .Muemoeyne I
Every heart :with grief o'erladen,
Every love-diabracted maiden,
Slavae who toil beneath the line,
Wretchet who in dungeons pltle;
A.ll to her for refoge il.ee,
Powerlall{Dimoayne I
Sin, aod Shame, D.Dd Miaery,
All despairing souls that be,
Own her power for good or m.
Court her fnvou!!_ chead her will.
A8 in a mirror, JJeatiny
Redeota the great Mnemoeynel
Mighty kings bow down to her~
Yea, and all that ever were,
High, or low, or boud, or tree,
Who hath empire wide as llhe-
Out of Time, beyond the Sea-
Sovereign Queen Mnemoayne t Saoaon:&.