Jn svottuuamru :Jib maa puUd b,,
IT ia not growing lib a tree
In bulk, doth make man better be ;
Or standing like an oak three bU.Ddred year,
To fall a log at laat, dJy, bald, t.Dd aear :
A lily of a day
Ia fairer far in May,
Although it fall and die tb11t nigh~
It was tbe plant and tlover of Light I
In amall proptiona we jnat beautiee '";
And in abort measures life ruay perfect be.
B. J OlfSOif.
«butatiml fk' ~ of* Jtatt.
0 .roa the coming of tblit glorious tim~t
Wben, prizing knowledge u her noblen "calth
And beat protection, tbie imperial .Realm,
While she exacts allegiance, ahall admit
An obligation, on her part, t o teach
Tbem wno &re boru to atrve her and obey.
Binding heraelf by 11 tntute to secure
For all the children whom her aoil maiuta.iua
The rudiments of lettet'8, and iuform
Tbe mind with moral and religious troth,
Both undentood and practiaed,-eo that none,
However destitute, be lt~ft to droop
By timely colture unsuatain'd; or J'11.D
Into a wild disorder ; or be forced
To drudge through a weary life without the help
or illtellectual implements and tool& j
A eavage horde among the civilized,
A aervile band among the lordly free I
ThiaiACl'etl right, the lisping babe proclaima
To be inherent in him, by Heaven'• will,
For the protection of hie illnooenoe ;
And the rude boy-who, haYing oTerpu~
Tbe ainl-age, by conscience i.e euroll'd,
Yet mutinoualy knits his angry brow
And lifts hia wilful hnud on mischief bent,
Or turns the godlike faculty of apeech
To impious uae-by proce89 indirect
DeclAiea hia due, while he m&kea known his need.