A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1

This aacred right ia fruitlessly announced,
Thia univeru.I plea in vain addreu'd,
'fo eyea and ears of parent. who thellllelveot
Did, in the time of their neceaai~,
Urge it in vain; and, therefore, like a prayer
That Crom the hum bleat 1loor ucenda to Hel\ven,
It moullta to l't'ach the State's puentAl ear;
Who, if indeed 11he owlls a mothe.r'a he~
And be not most unfeeli.ogly devoid
0£ gratitude to P~;ovidence, will gt·a.nt
The unquestionable good-which, EnglAnd, e&Je
From interference of external force,
May gnnt at leisut·e ; without risk incun·'d
That what iu wiadom for hert~elf aLe doth,
Othera ahall e'er be able to undo.


WHAT then is taste, but these intern&l powers
.ActiVIl 1 and strong, and feelingly alive
To each fine impulse 1 a diacerning aenae
Of decent and sublime, with quick disgust
From things defol"'D'd or disatTanged, or grou
In species 7 This, nor gems, nor atores of gold,
Nor purple 11t11te 1 nor culture cnn bestow;
But God alone, when firat his actiYe band
Imprint& the secret bias of the soul.
He, mighty parent! wise &Dd ju~t in all,
Free u the vital breeze or light of Huven,
Reveals the chnrms of nature. .Aek the ewa.in
Who jonrneya homeward from " 111m mer day's
Lo11g labour, why, for~etful of hia toila
Ani! due repo~e, he }otters to behold
The sunshine gleaming, as through amber c!ouda,
O'er aU the weatern sky; full soon, I ween,
Hi.a rntle expreasioo and untutot·'d airs,
Beyond the power of language, will untold
The form ofbea.uty smiling at his heart
How lovely I bow comru.aniling! l3ut t!tough beaveu
111 every breast bath sown these early aeeda
Of love and admiration, yet i.u va.in,
Without fa.ir culture's kind parental aid,
Wit.hoat enliv11ning llUllB, and geniAl &bowen
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