"Blown by a young Arclwlgel; nor forget
The living in thy re•erence for the dead.
Make wide Valh&lla for the bet~r gOO.
Than Thor and Oilin, ginn'-of you 11 g time ;
Thy maeter-aingen, Ger many, wboee name~
Sluill brighten like their lame till round the world
The rainbow of their liriug thought hath grown.
Oa.ther the ripe fruit of aU Sciences
Until thy plenteoUI board gleams rich and rare
With cllliter'd bra.ncbea of Heaptlrian gold.
Let every Art ata.nd in ita perfeet form,
And preach the gospel of inventiou to
The eager intellect. "More Light I More Light I"
Be thi.a thy motto; yoke the patient yean~
To plon'h the fallow·fielda ofHiatory
For bnned treu1U'81, geme and precioua ooina
And marblea, that ebnll come from out the dust
To tell how beautiful Antiquity
Sat on her ivory throne ; how look'd, how 1pake
The hero-agee of departed time.
Then, when thy mind grow• like the purple Eaat
With dawn·tirea from the Sun of U,ht, go !ortb,
And, in tlw.t rich IWd eminent doma.w,
Gather together alliJWeet cba.ritiea,
And bid them dwell with thee. In that fAir home
Let Freedom rule, and, having won the world
In win.oing ita tnw.scendent essence, ~ve
Th&t world, thy heart, thy life away U1 lov ..
Be thou like God, drinking His essence In,
And clothing thyself with it aa the earth
Attirea ita dainty limbs with emerald green.
Aa young Desire seeks .Beauty, seek to gain
Complete symmetrical development,
That tbou IUI\y'st minister iu thingll of uae
To all who seek the palace of thy miud.
Give tl•y thought freely; give it modestly,
Pntient of contl'o.diction. Think not wine
The better because drawn or served by tbee.
Force not the overftowing cup too long
On him whom thou dost bonour,lest he grow
Surcharged in brain and curse instel\d ofble811.
Be modeat in thy opulence, and know
This fact, that thou may'gt. learn & t.roth from all.