A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1
t~e 8.oob' 6reaf ITatr.

" How uldorn, Friend, a good great TOAD inherit.
Honour or wealth, with nU his worth ud pailla I
It eounda like stories from the lan!l or spirits,
If any rnnn obtllin tho.t which he merits,
Or any merit tho.t which he obtains.''
For shame, rlenr Friend I r(lnonnce this canting atra.in I
What would'at thou have a goo1l great mnn obtain 1
Place-titles-~~.alary, a gilded chain,
Or throne of' corees "Which his s word hath eh~in 1-
Greatne!lll and goodness are not meana, but ends I
Ho.tb he not always treasures, always friends,
The good great man1-lhree treaaurea-love, and light,
And calm thoughts, regular as io(anVa bt"eath ;-
And three 6rru friends, more su.re than day and night-
Himself, hia Maker, and the angel Death.

4 bn~l!l 6lari:u '&anuurd.
So Wls, ao languishes, growa dim and diea,
.All that thla world it proud of. fum their epheres
The stare of human glory are caat down ;
Perish the roeea and the 1lowen of kings,
Princes, and ernpel'Or&_, and the crowns and palms
Of all the mighty, witller'd ant! coueuroed I
Nor i1 power l(iven to lowliest innooenet
Long to protect her own. The man himself
Dept~rta ; and 1oon ia spent the line of thoee
Who, in the bodily image, in the mind,
In heart or aoul, in station or pnranit
Did moet resemble him. D~greea ana ranks,
Fra.terni~ies and orders-heapiw• high
New wealth upon the burtben o7the old,
..And placing trust in privilege confirm'd
.And re-conlirm'd-are I!COff'd at with a emile
or greedy foretaste, from the secret stand
Of Desolation o.im'd: to slow decline
These yield, and these to sudden overthrow :
Their virtue; aerric~, happinesa, and state
Expire; and Nature'!! pfeaaaut robe of green,
Humnnity'a appointed shroud, enwraps
Their monuments and their memory.
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