A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1
••• w tD trU • Jingbom it.
MT mind to me a kingdom ia,
Such perfect joy therein I fiDd,
That it excela all other bU.
That God or nature hath &Migo'd :
Though much I need that mo.t would have,
Yet still my mind forbidJI to erne.
I aee that plenty surfeits oft,
And hasty climbers sooneet fall ;
I eee that such u are aloft,
Mishap doth threaten mOlt of all :
Tbeee get with toil, and keep with fear;
Such c:area my mind can never bear.
I pret~~ to bear no haughty away ;
I wieh no more than may au11ioe;
I do no more than well I may,
Look what I want, my mind auppliea :
Lo, thus I triumph like a king,
My milld'a content with any tbing.
I laugh not at another's 1011,
Nor grudge not at another's gain ;
No worldly waves my mind can toas;
I brook what is another's bane :
I fear no foe, nor f'a.wn on friend;
I loathe not life, nor dread mine end.
My wealth ia health IUld perfeet e&~e,
And conscience clear my chief defence ;
I never eeek by bribe& to pleuo,
Nor by desert to give oft'enoe :
Th111 do I live, thus will I die •
Would all do eo u weU aa I I Bn.n.

It b fbt Jlinb-tpi mafl.t1 tge ~oba ritq.
IT i.a the mind that makes the body rich;
And u the Btln breaks through the darkeat cloude,
So honour peenth in the meaneat habit.
What I is the jay more preciom than the hawk
Beca.uae hi.a feathers ~ more beautiful t
Or ia the adder better than the eel
Becnme his painted skin contents the eye J

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