Bwur the tho~hta that u.Tour of oontent:
The qui;et mind ia rieher than a crown:
Sweet are the night. in oo.releu slumber apent :
The poor esta.te ecorn.e Fortune's a.ogry frown.
Such sweet content, such minda,aucb aleep, auch bli.aa,
Beggars enjoy, when princes oft do miaa.
The homely house tht.t barboura quiet reat,
The cottage that alforda no pride nor care,
The mee.n, that 'greea with coautry muaic beat,
The sweet coUBort of mirth's and music's fare.
Obscured life sets down a type of blias ;
A mind content both crown and kiDgdom ia.
ll!c Jam•n·
H& is the Happy Man, whose life e'en now
Shows somewhat of that happier life to come¢
Who, doom'd to an ob!!Klure but tranquU state,
Ia pleased with it, and, were he f1·ee to choose,
Would make his fate his choice; whom peace, th fruit
Of virtue, and whom virtue, fruit of faith,
Prepare for bappineM; bespeak him one
Content indeed to sojourn while be must
Below the akiea, but having there hia home.
The world o'erlook.a him in her busy aearch
Of objects, more illuatrioustn beT view;
And, occupied as earnestly aa she,
Though more sublimely, he o'erlooks the world.
She BCOrns his pleasures, for she knows them not ;
· He seeka not her's for he has pr oved them vain.
He cannot akim thl'l ground like summer birds
Pursuing gilded 1lies; and such he deem~~
Her honours, he.r emoluments, her joys.
Therefore in contemplAtion is his bliss,
Whose power i.e such, tha.t whom she lifts from earth
She makes familiar with a world unseen,
.AJ!d ahows h.iw gloritlll yet to 1e reveal' d.