168 PODII OJ' &DLIIIC1r10lf ~ BD t1W1.
Jta&.ct Db Sm.
DaoP, drop into the gran, Old Lear,
l>rop, drop into the gran ;
Thy aoom'a groW~~, thy acorn'• aown-
Drop, drop into the grave.
December'• t.empeata rave, Old Leaf,
Above thy fonwt-gn.ve, Old Leaf,
Drop, drop into the grave.
The birda in spring, will sweetly ling
That death alone ia sad ;
Th11 gr&ll8 will grow, the primrose ahow
Tb.&t death alone ia aad.
Lament above thy gran, Old Leaf.
For what hu life to do with grieff
'Tia death alone that's u.d.
What then 1 We two have both lived through
The sunshine and the raiD ;
And bleaa'd be He, to me aDd thee,
Who tent hia S1lll. and raiD I
We've had our BUD and rain. Old Leaf,
And God ,m aend again, Old Lear,
The t11Il8bine aDd the rain.
Bace after race ofleavea aDd men,
Bloom, wither, aDd AM gone ;
.A. wind. and waten riM aud fall,
So life aDd death roll on;
And long aa ocean heavee, Old Leaf,
ADd bud and Me the leavea., Old Lellf,
Will life aDd death roll on.
How like am I to thee, Old Leaf!
We'll drop together down;
How lib art thou to me, Old Leaf!
W e'U drop togethe.r doWD.
I'm gray, aDd thou art brown, Old Lea(
We'll drop together down, Old Le~
We'll drop together down.
Drop, drop iDto the grave, Old Leaf,
Drop, drop into the grave;
Thy acorn's grown, thi acorn'• aown-
Drop, drop iDto the grave.
December'• tempeeta rave, Old Leaf,
Above thy fore&t-grave, Old Leaf;
Drop, drop into ~he gran I EI.LIO'l"l'.