A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1
PODS OJ' BD'LJWrlOif AND IIBtl'rl1IUT, 169

Cit Jumai• llf timl.

BUU'l'H this ~arch
Nought reet.eth or 18 etill,
But all things hold their mat·ch
AI if by one great will :
Moves one, move all :
Hark to the footfall!
On, on, for ever!
Yon abeavea were once but aeed:
Will ripena into deed.
.Aa eav&drops ewell the atreama,
Day-thought. feed nightly dl'eam.a ;
And BOrrow tr&cketh wrong,
AI echo folio,.. 10ng,
On, on, for ever I
By night, like starB 011 high,
The hour~ reveal their train;
They whiaper and go by,
I never watch in vain :
Moves one, move all :
Hark to the footfall!
On, on, for ever I
They p1188 the cradl&-head,
And there a. promi.ae abed ;
They paM the moist new grave,
And bid rank verdure wave ;
They bear through every clime,
The harveatB of all time,
On, on, for ever I H.&JUUll'l' HAaTllJU tr.

JIIWUI' ~ru.

B.r:rwDlf two worlds, Life honTB ll~e a atar
'Twixt night and morn, upog. the horizon's verge ;
How little do we know that which we are I
How leaa what we may be I The eternal surge
or time and tide rolla on, and beara afar
Our bubblea ; ae the old buret, uew emerge,
I.aah'd f'.rom the foam of agee, while the grave
or empires heaves but like some pulling w&ve.

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