A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1


t~t .lmJiti&.c flut-

A Sostnvz Plant in a IZIU'den gre1r,
And the young winds feil it with eilnr de1f,
And it open'd ite fan-like lean• to the li~t,
And cloeed them beneath the kiNel of night.

And the Spring arose on the garden fair,
Like the Spirit of Love felt every where ;
ADd each !lower and herb on Earth'• dark breut
Rote from the drea.ma of ite wintry reat.

But none ever tt-embled and panted lfilh bU..
In the garden, tbe field, or the wilderneu,
Like a doe in the noontide lfitb lon'e e1reet 1faJlt,
Ju the eompanionleae Senaitive PlAnt.

The enow-drop, and then the violet,
Arose from the ground with w!Lrm rain 1ret,
And their breath wu mix'd with !rub odour, eent
From the tu~ like the voice and the inetrument.

Then the pied wind-fiowera and the tul_lp tall,
.And uarciaa~ the fairest among them aU,
Who gllze on their eyes in the stream'• receu,
Till they die of their own dear lovelineaa;

And the Naiad-like lily ofthe vale,
Whom youth makee ao fair 1 nnd paaeion 10 pale,
That the light of it.tl tremwoue bella ia seen
Through their pavilione of tender green;

And the by11einth P.urple, and white, and blue,
Which flung from ttl bella a aweet peal &new
Of music, eo del.icate 1 sot\, and intenee,
It wu felt like an odour within the eeDH;

.And the roee lik& a nymph to the bath add rest,
Which unveil'tl the depth of her glowing breut.
Till, fold aner fold, to the f'Aintillg Air
The soul of her beauty and love lay bare;

And the w&nd-like lily, which liil.ed up,
Ae a Ma~oad, ita moonlight-coloured cup,
Till the lie17 1tar 1 which ia ite eye,
Gued through cle&r de• on the tender ak
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