:J. !mutt.
SLOWLY, slowly up th& .aU
Steals the aanabine, ate.ala the sb&de,
Evenin~ dAmps begin to pall,
Evewng aha.dowa are cfi-t:>lay'd. ·
Boun.d me, o'er me, evetyl'l'bere
All the sky ia gmnd with clouds,
ADd athwart the evening air
Wheel •he nra.llows home iD <:rOwcla.
Shafts ef sunshine !rom the weat
Paint the duaky windows reel ;
Darker abadoWl!., deeper felt,
Underneath, and overiUiad.
Darker, darker, and more wan
In my breast. the ahadoW'I ran ;
Upward .steals the life of man,
As the sunshine from the wall.
From the wall into the alty,
From the roof along the epire ;
Ah I the souls of those that die
Are but aWl beams li&d higher.
~fan'• Jphltual fo(l)er.
As the ample Moon,
In the deep stillness of a summer e'Ven,
Billing behind a thick and lotl.y grove
Burna, like an unconsumiug ftre of ligbt,
In the green trees ; and, kindling on allllidea
Their leafy umbrar, turns the dusky veil
Into a substance gtoriona u her own 1 -
Yea, with her own incorporate, by power
Capaciottlil ahd serene ; like power abides
In man's celestial spirit; virtue thus
Seta forth and magnifie11 heraelf; thus feeds
A calm, 1\ beautiful, and silent fire.
From the encumbrancea of mortal life,
From el"!'or, disappolntment,-nay, from gutlt ~
And sometimes, so relenting jaatioo wflrs, ~
From palpable opptoelliona ofde.epe.ir.