Sa ho~ beneAth the mooobum'• ~mil.,
Yon little billow her.v• ita breat;
And (OIUill ud apw-~ea for a while,
And murmuring then 1Ubeide1 to .rlllt J
Tbaa lllAII 1 the sport of blias anti care,
lliaes on Time's eventful aea;
.And, having ewell'd a moment there,
Tbns melt. into eternity.
§rrmns Df * ~eab.
On in atill night-dreams a departed face
Benda o'er me with sweet earneatne• of eye,
Wearing no more of e&rtbly paina a trace,
But all the tenner pitl tbat may be
On the clear brow of u2nnortalitr. 1
C&Im, yet profound. Soft raya utome that mien;
Tb' unahadow'd moonlight ot some far off •ky
Around it ftoata. transparently serene
As a pure Tell of watens. 0 rioh Sleep I
The apells are mighty in thy regiona deep,
Which glorlty with reconciling breath,
EIJ'acln~, brightening, giviug forth to ahine
Beauty a high truth ; and bow much more divine
Thy power whenlink'd, in tb.ia, with t.hyaterD brother
Death I MB.S. liKJun.
TBB myeteriea of the Angel· World
Are hall untolded when we aleep ;
In drn.ma the eail.e of thought, untort••,
Waft 1111like barqn11 where Angel• k~p
Cloee-veil'd within the unknown aeaa
Their watch. 'l'o tl&int upon hie knee~~,
Great God I how near thou comeet down ;
What radiant light, what spirlt.-eroWD,
What boeom heal't'&-eaae Thou doet ai~
'.l;o thoae ~ho in Thy oO't'e!Wlt H"tel