c:t, jlghf ar inn.
'l'B:& 1ligbt is come, but not too soon ;
And linking silently,
All silently,. the little moon
Dropa doWll behind the sky.
Tl.tere is no light in e».rth or heaven.
But the cold light of stars ;
And the firi1t watch of night i.a given
To the red planet MarL
Is it the tender star oflove--
Tbe star ,of love and dreams t
0 no I froin that blue tent above 1
A hero's lr.rmour gleams.
And earnest thoughts within me rise,
When 1 behold afar,
Su1JP8nded in the evening skies,
The ahieM of thAt red etar.
0 atar of at:rength I I see thee stand
And smiLe upon my pain ; ·
Thou beekonest with thy mailM band.
.And I &Ill etrong again.
Within my breaat there i.a no ligbt,
But the cold light of stars;
I give the ilnt watch or the night
To the red planet .Mara.
The star of the unconquer'd will,
He rises in my breast,
Serene, and. .reeolute, and still
And calm,, and aelf-posseas'<S •
.Ancl thou, too, whoaoe'er thou art,
That reade&t thi.a brief ]J81i.}m,
.As one by one thy hopes depa.rt,
Be resolute and calm.
0 fear not in a world like this,
.And thou, shalt know, ere long-
Know bow 1Bnblime a thing it i.a
To aufi"er and be strong. Lo•(U'BLl.()W,