BWDT day
so eool, 110 calm, 10 bright,
The bri<'lal of the earth &nd eky,
The dew ebe.ll weep thy fe.ll to-night;
For thou must d1e.
B'l'l'eet rose, whose hue angry a.nd brave
Bids the rnah IP'zer wipe hie eye,
Thy root ia ever m its gra.ve,
And thou JPUet die.
Sweet spring, fall of sweet days a.nd roeea,
A box where sweets compacted lie,
Thy music ehowe ye have your eloees,
And all must die.
Onlr, a sweet tmd virtuous eoul,
Like eeaaon'd timber, never gives ;
Bu~ thoullh the whole world turn to ooal,
'.lllen chiefly livee. HB'IUIKRT.
Taa heart, u ualter'd in ita mood, •
That joys alone in doing good,
And follows in the heavenly road,
And atepe where once an angel trocl,-
Tbe joya within sueh heart that burn,
No 1088 can quench, nor time o'erturn I
The stan may from their orbits bend,
The mountaine rock, the beavena ~nd 1
The eun'a Jut ember cool a.nd quiver,
But Virtue .till ahall glow for ner I HOGG.
~ ~net Jlan's fllli,as.tl.
No wrath of men, or r age of seas,
0an abeke a just man'a purpose• i
No threats of tyrants, or the grim
Viuge of them can e.lter him ;
But wbe.t he doth at tlrst intend,
That he holda tl.J'mly to the eud. RERRIOlt.