A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1
J.ob!auu of • Jomfa -=·
0 I I WOULD wal.lt
A wuar jou~y, to the la.rthMt verg.
Qf tb.e bic Yorld, to kiM thf.t good m&n'a bud,
Who, in &be blue of wiadom ud of art,
PrelerYn a lowly mind ; IUld to hia God,
Feeling the een~~e of hia OWll litUen .. ,
h aa a child in meek aialplioit{ I
What w the pomp of let.millg the JlU&,de
Of letten ud o{ tcmgu• t even "' tlut lllillta
Of the gray mom ~fore the rj.Wlg IUA
That pau awe.y and periJb. Eut.hly i.hi.np
Are but the t.ra.D.IitD t pA£8IUI ta of IUl hour ;
And earthly pride iB like the praing dower
That apl'inp to fal.l. ud b~ma b~&t to die.

cf.ot~IJ of ~njntit•.

Luu from yon orient •bell to love thy roe,
And atore with pee.rls the hand that brings thee woe :

Free like yon rock, from hue vindi<ltive pride,
Emblaze with gems the wrist that r enda thy aide:

Mark, where yon tree rewar ds the stony shower
With fruit nectareous, or the balmy flower:

All nature calls aloud, ah&ll man do leas
Than heal the smiter, and the railer bleee 1
'l'raTIIl.fr()1TJ,Hafo. B1a W. J olfll&

au kab.e aU of UJ .ont Juman Jtarl.

M~ iB dear to man ; the poorest poor
Long for some moments in a weary life
When they can ,know and feel that they have IJeen,
Themselves, the fa then and the deo.len·out
Of some small blessings; have been kind to snob
~ needed kiudueas, for this single cause,
That wo have all or us one human heart.
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