A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1
Swn:r ia the pleasure
ltaelf cannot spoil!
h not true lei1111re
{)ne with true toll t

Thou that wov.ld'•t tute Jt,
StiJl.do thy ~;
Uae i~ not WMte it,
Else 'U. ..uo r•t.
Would'et behold beauty
Near thee T alhound I
Only hath duty
Suc:b a sight found.
Rest is not quitting
The busy career;
Rest ia the 'fitting
Of eelf to He sphere.
'Tis the brook's motion
Olear without strife,
Flee~ to OC881ll
.ut.er st. life.
Deeper devotion
Nowhere hath celt;
Fuller emotiou
Heart never f"t.
'Tis loving and serving
The Highest and Beat:
'Tis o:nwa.rda! unawerviog.
And tlut.t ia traJl reat.

«.t.mnd 'ovr.
ETEIINAt. Hope! when yonder apberea11.1blim~
PeoJ'd their fil'Bt notes to sound the march ofTia:a~
Thy joyous youth began-bnt not to fade.-
Wheo all ~he sister planets hve decay'd;
When wrapt in fire the reah:ns of ether gl-,
And He11ven's last thunder ebakea the world below;
Thou, undiamay'd, a halt. o'er the ruina amite,
And light thy torch at Nature's faneral pile. 0Alll'Bltt.L.

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