A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1


Rona are irlepirationa ; fint they grow
'Ill crypt--like heart., where aecret aplendoure glow
Of Love and Wiedom. H oJ>I:II are Truths divine,
That stand a bove the aentr1ed lights of time,
With faoea fill'd with dawn-light and with forms
Invincible ; and there above all storms
They chant their revelation, leading on
Humanity to deetiuiea unlulown.

l:b.e ~ell£0ll'.

'Ills acene waa more beautiful far, to my eye,
Than ii day in ita pride ll&d array'd it;
The land-breeze blew mild, and the azut·e.,&reh'd sky
Look'd,pure aa the Spirit that made it.

The murmur arose aa I silently gazed
On the aba.dowy wavea' playful motion;
From the dim diataot iale till the beacon-fire blazed,
Like a at&r in the midst of the ocean.

No longer the joy ot the u.ilor-boy'a brea.st
Waa heard in his wildly breathed numbera;
The aea-bird had flown toLer wave-girded ueat,
The 1i.aherman 8unk to his slumbers.

I aigh'd u I look'd from the hill'a gentle slope;
.All bueh'd waa the billows~ comUlotion;
.ADd I thought that the beacon look'd lovely as hope,
That star of life's tremnlou~ ocean.

The time is long paatl and the scene is afAr,
Yet., when my he&<l reata on ita piUow,
Will Memory aometimea rekinol111 the star
That blued on the breast of the billow.

In life'• cloelng hour, when the trembling aoul flies,
And death atiUa the aoul'e laet emotion,
0 then may the eeraph o r mercy ariae
Like a &tar on eternity's ocean!
1riiss p AJLDOE.

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