linu• go !Ia (urns,
Tmllopped tree in t.ime may grow ~n,
Moet naked pla.nta renew both fruit 111d Bower:
The eorrieet wight aay find rel-of M
The drieat eoileuck ia ~ moilll:enlDg ahower:
Time goea by turu, and clwlcee change by OOW11e,
From foul to, £rom better hap to W01'8S.
The sea of Fortulle doth not enr Bow ;
She dnwa her favoure to tbe lowest ebb:
Her tidea have equal timea t.o oome and go;
Her loom doth wean the tUae and oo&rMBt web;
No joy ao great bat r nnnetlt t.o an eDd.
No hap eo bard but may in fill• amend.
.Not alwaya fAll of leaf, 1110r evn apri11g,
Noi endlee~ night, yet not eternal day:
The eaddeet birde a II8UOil Bnd to aing,
The rougbeat atorm a calm may aoon alll\y,
Tbua, with aucceedlng turna, God temperetb all,
That IIWl may hope to riee, ye~ fear to fall.
A chance may win that by mlachance wae lost;
That net that holds no great, takes little Dab ;
lD aome tbwga all, in all thing~ ncme are croee'd ;
Fe'lf all they need, but none han all they wish.
Uumingled joya ben to no man befall;
Who leut, hath eome ; who moat, hath never aiL
Taouos I look old, yet I &m atrong an<l lutty ;
For in my youth I never did apply
Hot and rebellioua~;r• in my blood ;
Nol' did 1 wi&h ua ttl forehead woo
The meana of wealmeea and debilit.1 ~
Therefore my •s.e ia u a l111ty wiater,
Froety, but kin!U;1.