A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1

Who-u he watches her silently gliding-
Bemembere that wave after wave is dividing
Boeuma that sorrow and guilt could not sever,
Hearte which are parted IUid b roken f'or ever l
Or deems th11t be watches, &float. on the wave 1
The dro.th-bed of hope, or the young spiri~'s gro. vet

'Tis t hus with ouT life, while it p11asea along,
Like a veesel at sea, amidst atmehine and aong l
Gaily we glide, in the ga.v.e of the world,
With streamers afiont, and with canvas nnfurl'd ;
All gladness and glory to wandering eyes,
Yet, chnrter'd by sorrow, and freighted with aigla,
Fading and false is the aal>ect it wears,
AI the smiles we put on, Just to oover our tears ;
And the withering thoughts which the world cannot
Like heart-broken exiles, lie burning below;
Whilst 1he ve88el dn.vee on to thnt desolate shore
'Where the dreams of our childhood Are ve.nieh'd and

THE curfew tolls the knell of parting day;
The lowing herd wind alowly o'er the lea;
The ploughman homeward plods hle weary way,
And leaves the world-to darkneea and to me.

Now fadea the ~limmering landacape on the sight,
A.nd all the a1r a solemn etillne88 holda;
&ve where the beetle wheels his drony flight,
A.nd drowey tinklings lull the di.etaut folds;

&ve that, from yonder ivy-mantled tower 1
The moping owl does to the moon eompJain
Of anch na, wandering near her eeeret bower,
Molest her Mcient. solitary reign.

Beneath tbeae rngJred elms, that yew·tree'e shade,
'Where heaves tile turf in mntly a mouldt~ring heap,
.Each in hia narrow cell {or ever laid,
The rude forefathers of tbe hamlet aleep.
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