1 8!1 l'OI:D 0 .. IIJD'LIIC'l'IOK UD 8DTDaJIT.
Tho breezy eall oC incense-breathing morn,
The aw&I.Low twittering from her atraw-built ahed,
The cock'a ahrill clarion, or \he eehoiog hOt'U,.
No more ab.&ll rouse them from their lowly bed.
For tbttm no more the blaziug hearth abtill bUl'Jl,
Or busy housewife ply her evening care;
No clLildreJI run to liep their ai1-e'a return,
Or climb hi8 kneea the envied kisa to share.
Oft did the harvest to tbc:ir sickle yield ;
Their furrollr oft the stubborn glebe baa broke:-
How jocund did they drive their t"llam a-field I
How bow'd the wooda beneath their aturdy stroko I
Let not Ambition mock their 1116ful toil,
Their homely joys and destiny obscure ;
Nor Grandeur hear, with a disdainful smile,
The ahorl and aimple annala of the poor!
The boast of Heraldry, the pomp of Power,
And all that Beauty, all that We<h e'er gave,
Await alike the inevitable hour:
The paths of Glory lead-but to the grave.
Nor you, ye Proud, impute to theae tho fault,
Ir Memory o'er their tomb no troph.iee r&ise,
Where through the lo.ng-drawn aiale and fretted vault,
The pealiug anthem swells the note of praise.
Can 11toried urn, or anim11ted buat,
Back to it.& mamion call the fleeting breath J
Can Ho11our'a voice provoke the silent dust,
Or Flattery soothe the duU cold ear of death T
Porbapet in thi.e neglected apot, ia laid
Some be&rt once pregnant with ooleatial fire ;
Haude that the rod of Empire might have away'd,
Or waked to ecsto.sy the living lyre :
But Knowledge to their eyee her ample paget.
Rich with the spoils ol time, 1\id ne'er unroll;
Chill Peuury repreaa'd their noble rage,
And froze the genial curreut of the aoull
'Full·DlAIIy a gem of purest ray eerene,
The dark Unfatbom'd cavea of Oeeu bear;
Ful.l many a 11.ower ia born tu blush llDIIetO.,
And wute ita eweet.n-on \he deaert .UI