lo a ~ait!l, on tutnhtg on.e bo&m &ri1k t~e 'Laagw.
Wu, modest, crimiiOn4iP,ped flow'r,
Thou'at met me in an evil hour;
F or I mtlun crush amang the etour-e
Thy slender etem ;
To 11pa.re thee now is p11at my po•'r,
Thou bonnie gem.
Alns I it's no thy neebor sweet,
The bonnie lark, comp&nion meet I
Bendi11g thee 'mans. the dewy weet
w,· spreckled breast,
When upwA.rd-t~pringmg, blithe, to gnet
The purpling eaat.
Cauld blew the bitter-biting north
Upon thy early, humble birth;
Yet cheerfully thou glinted forth
Amid the atorm ;
Scarce rear'tl above the p!U'ent earth
Thy tender form.
The Bunting flowers our prdena yield,
High ahelt'ring woods and wa'a maun ahield 1
But thou, beneath the random bield
0 ' clod or atane 1
Adorns the histie stibble-f!eld,
Unseen, alane.
There, ill thy scanty mantle clad,
Thy aoawy bosom sunward 11pread,
Thou lift.a thy unassuming beAd
In humble guiee;
Bnt now the share upta&ra thy bed,
And low thou lies I Bmurs.
ltkt IRinb·fiDfDrr.
LoDGED iu sunny clef\
WBDa the cold breeua come noC, blooms alosre
The little ....Wd-tlower, whoee juet-open'd eye
la blue u the •{Iring heaoren it guee at,
Startling the lo1terer in the D.Aked grona
With UDexpecteci beauty, fur the time
Of blo110m11 and grMD 18a'fel iiTt' a..faz.