POitX8 OJ' • A 'I'U1I.L. ·
BLUB Eyebright I loveliest ftower or &11 that grow
In tlower-loved England! Flower, whote bedge-.ide gaze
Is like an infant's I What heart doth not know
Thee, cluater'd amiler or the bank I where playw
The sunbeam with the emer&ld enake, and etra)'l
The dazzling rill, c(llilpanion of the road
Which the lone bard m011t lonth, in the d11yw
When hope and love Me young 1 0 rome abroad,
13lue Eyebright I and this rill shall woo thee with an ode.
Awake, blue Eyebright, while the singing wave
Ita cold, bright, beauteous., soothing tribute drops
From many a grey rook's foot and dripping cave;
While yonder, lo, the starting atone-chat bops r
While here the cottar's cow ita sweet food crops;
While blackfaced ewes 11nd Jambs are bleating there :
And, bursting through the briers, the wild 111!11 stops-
Kicks at the strangeN-then turns round to stAre-
Then lowel'll hie large red e&n~, and llha.kea hia long darlt
hair, Eu.Ion'.
r.a ll .itto!Dbto;.
LONB Flower l hemm'd in with snows aa white aa they,
But hardier fAr, once more I aee thee bend
Thy forehead, as if fearful to offend,
Like an unbidden guest. Though day by day,
Storms, sallying from the mountain-tops, wa.y-la.y
The rising sun, and on the plaina descend ;
Yet art thou weloome, welcome u a friend
Whose zeal outru.ne hie promise! BJ.u~yed Hay
Shall soon behold thia bOrder t.hiekly aet
With bright jonquils, 'heit' odonra laviahiag
On the soft weat-wtnd and h18 f'tolie peem;
Nor will I then thy modest grace forget,
Chaste Snowdrop, venturoUI bubinrer of Spring,
And pensive monilOI' of Aeeting y6U'l I