A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1

!16 roDIB 07 'l'lm SOCU.L AlJD DOKUTlO .AJ'nCTIOl'l'l.

YotrNo follce now floeken in every wbert',
To gather May.-buakete and smelling brere;
And home they hasten the poel11 to digbt,
.And all the kirk pillnre ere daylight~
With hawthorne huds and sweet eglantin~.
And gnrlanda of rose a and eope-in-wine.

Bicker, thi• morro"'', 110 longer ngo,
I eaw a ehole of shepherds out-go,
With 1inging, and ebouting, and jolly ohere;
Before them rode a lusty tabrere,
That to the many a hornpipe plAy'd
'\Vbereto they daunced each one with hi• llll\id.
To eee tbeae folke make such j ovis&unce,
MAlle my heart 11fter the pipe to daunee.
Tho' to the greene-wood they epeeden them aU,
To feteben home May with thetr musical,
And home they bringen in a royal throne,
Crowned aa a king, anrl his queen attone
Waa Lady Flora, on whom did attend
A fayre flock of faeries, and a ft·eah band
Of lovely nympha. 0 that I were there,
'l'o helpeD the ladles their May-buab beAr I

8bif•tm jijrotfJ.

How merrily, from dlatant towers,
:Ring round the village belle I now on the gale
Tbey riee 'lrith gl"arlual swell, diatinct IUid loud ;
Anon they die upon the pensive ear,
Melting in faintest music.-They beape11k
A day ofJ'ubilee, and oft they beu
Commix' , along the unfrequented shore,
The 1011nd of villnge dance and tabor loud,
Startling the muaiog ear of eolitudo.
8uch ie the jocund wako of Whiteuutide,
When, with mirthful pmbola, all the day
The ruetic revellers ply the muy dance
Oo the 1mooth-ehaven ,veeu, and then at eve
Full man.y a tale of anetent day• aoe• round.
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