A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1

~! 8 l'ODl8 OY TB& 8t)OUL .Aim DOJOrBI'IO ·Ai'li'&CmO:U.

I tha.nlc you. for the patient emile
When your bel\rt was fit· to break,
When t.behun~er: pa.i.A wn~ ~a.wi~g tbere,
And you ihid i~, for my sake!
I Lleaa .you 1ror tbe pleasant word,
When your heart was sad and sore-
Oh! Iin.thi!I.Wtful you. are. gone, M.a.t',1 1
'Vho1•e grief C&ll't t•eaoh you. more I

l'm b'id,liug .you a long farewell,
My Mary,, kind And true ;
But l'JI not for~et you, darling-I
In the lalltd l m going to ;
They aay there's bread and work for r&l~
And the Etun a hi nee always there;
But.J'll not forget olJ Jreland,
Were it fifty times ae fail·.

And often ilJ those grand old wooda
1'11 ait, an.d mut my eyes,
And my he~itrl will travel back ~in
To the place where MAry lies;
And I'll think leee the li~tle etlle
Where wo aat aide by aide,
.An.d the apriwg4J,g ool'D, ~ud t,he bright MAy moru,
Wheu .fire,t you were ~y b1~ide.
Mas.: :CLACitWOOl> •

. §om.uti.c Jq6:.

0, LOVE oflovesi! to thy white hand is given
or earthly happiue&S tlie golllen key:
Thine are the JOJfO'QB hours of winter's. even
When the babes cling around their father's knee;
And thine. the voice that, on the midnight. sea,
Melts tlie l'UUe Dl&riuer with thoughts or home,
Peopling the gloom with All he longl! to 1ee.
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