~~ Ji.Uu gf tkt ,ur.o.
FLoWBRS! when the Sa.viour'a calm benignant eye.
Fell on your gentle beauty- when Crom you
That heavenly lesson for all heart.B he drew,
Etern.al, universal, aa the aky-
Then, in the bosom ot your purity,
A voioe he aet. aa in a temple-elui.ne,
That life's quick travellers ne'er might paaa yoll by
Unwir.m'd of that sweet oracle divine.
And though too oft. ita low, ei!leatial sound
By the h&l8h notes of work-day Oare ia drown'd,
And the loud at.epe of vain, u:aliatening Hute : ·
Yet the great ooeao kath no tone of power
Mightier to reaoh ths eon! in thongb\'a hn.ah'd hoor,
Than your's, ye lilies 1-ahc:.en t.hua and graced I
MBa. .ffiuuJ~"S,
Ita ~alfahlla.
FAll!. Da11'odils, we weep to eee
You h.&.ate away ao BOOn;
As yet the earlr rising aun
Has not attatn'd hi• noon.
Stay, stay,
Until the hasting da.y
But to the even-aong ;
.And. having pray'd together,
W' e wUl go with you along.
We have short time to stay aa you,
We have as abort a spring;
Ae quick a growth to meet decay
.A. yoo or any thing.
We die
A• yaur hooJ"B do, and dry
Like to tbe .!lllnnnel''a t'lloin ;
Or aa the pearls of morning dew,
Ne'er to be found again.