lit ~af.obU..
(^1) I wJ..lrou.'D lonely ae a eloud
That floats on high o'er valea and billa,
When all at onoe I aaw a crowd,
A. boat of golden dAtfodila ;
Beside the lake, beneath the tree.a
~uttering and dancing in the breeze.
Continuous aa the stars that abine
And twinlde on the milky-way,
They stret~bed io line
Along the margin of a bay ;
Ten thousand aaw I at a glance
TOlling their hes.da in sprightly diUlce.
The waves beside them dan.ced ; but they
Outdid t.he sparkling waves in glee :
A poet could noi but be gay
In auch a jocund company l
I gazed-And ga.zed-but little thought
What wealth the show to me bad brought;:
For oft, when on my ooucb I lie
In vacant or in pensive mood,
They fiaab upon that inward eye
Which ia the bliss of' solitude ;
And t.ben my heart with pleaaure filla,
And dances with the daffodila.
'" ijt !)lut ~lllDIU.
FLowEn! the laur el still may abed
Brightness round the victor's bead i
And the roae
in beauty's hair,
Still its festal glory wear ;
And the willow-leave& droop o'er
Brows which love sustains no more :
But by living rnya refined,
Thou, the trembler of the wind,