A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1
1'008 0~ ~JLI:EDOX AND PA'BIOT18ll. 257


WIWII I wedded th~e,
The la11d wu free I 0! with what pride I u.eJ
ro walk thoee billa, 1\Dd look up to II1Y God,
And bleaa hi111 that it wu eo! It waa Cree 1-
Fr-oii1 end to end, from cliff to lake 'twu free !-
Free ae our torreute are, that lellp uur roc.U,
And plough our valleys, without aak:iog leave;
Or u our peaka that wear their capa of enow,
In very presence of the regal eun I
How happy wu I in it then I I loved
lte very atorii18 I Yee, Emma, I have eat
In my boat at night, when, midway o'er the lake,
'l'he etara went out, and down the moUDtain gorge
The wind came roaring-I have eat and eyed
The thunder bre&lcillg from his cloud, and IIDI.iled
To aee him shake his ligbtninga o'er my head,
And think I had uo muter eue hie own!
You know t.heJ'utting cliff, round which a track
Up hither win e, whose baee is but the brow
To euch another one, wit.h acanty room
For two a-breast to paaa 1 O'er ta.ken there
By the mountain bla.at, I've lAid me flat along;
And while gust follow'd gust more furiously,
.A. if to sweep me o'er the horrid brink,
.And I have thought of other landa, wboae atorm.a
Are summer tlawa to thoee of mine, a.ud jnat
Have wiah'd me there-the thought that mine waa free
Hu ebeek'd that wish, and I have raised my head,
And cried in thraldom to that furious wind,
Blow on! This is the land of liberty!

' tU .1m t~t ltD1lntllin•.

Y11 oraga and peaka 1 I'm with you once again I
I bold to you the banda you firat beheld,
To ehow they still are free. Methinka I hear
A Spirit in your echoes anawer me,
And bid your Mnant welcome home, again 1
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