A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1

The yew obedient to the bender'• will ;
The birch for aha&, the eallow for the miU ;
The warlike beech, the aah for nothing ill,
The fruitful olive, and the platane round,.
The carver holm, the maple, eeldom inwArd eoUDd.


TBDB, gracious treea !-bow rich a gift. ye are!
CroWll of the earth to bu!IWl heATbiiUld eyeel
How doth the thought of home in lands afar,
Link'd with yonr forma, and kindly whiaperinga rise I
How the whole picture of a childhood lies, ·
Oft midst your boughs forgotten, buried deep I
Till, gazin~ through them up tho summer akiea,
A.a buah d we etand, t. breeze pereb.,nce may creep,
And old, aweet leaf~unde reach the inner world
Where memory coila-&nd lo! at "nee unfurl'd

(^17) ....
Tho past, a glowing scroll, before our sight
Spreo.ds clear ; while, gushing from their long-aeal'd uro,
Young thoughts, pure dreama, undoubting prayers 1'6llll1l,
.Aud a 10/lt mother's eye givea back its lioly ~~=AN
MBa. 8.
falrtba.rb ~louom1.
DoTH thy heart stir withiD thee at the eight
or orchard· bloom a upou the moaay bough t
Doth their sweet bouaebold·emile waft back the glow
Of childhood's morn-the wondering, fresh delight
lu earth's new colouring, then all strangely bright,
.A joy of fairy-land 1 Doth some old nook,
Hauuted by visions of thy lira!.-loved book,
Rile on thy eoul, with faint-alrellk'd bloesoma white
Sbower'd o'er tbe turf, and the lone primrose k.nQt,
And robin's neat, still faithful to Lbe spot,
And the bee's dreary chime t 0 gentle friend!
The world's cold breath, not Timt'•, this life bereaves
or verual gift.a; Time hallows what he leaves,
And -will for us eodea.r ep1-ing memories to the end.

. Mas. Hluulla:
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