A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1

HoI gallant noblu orthe Leagoe, look th&t yo or &1"111.1 be bright;
HoI burghers ofSaiut Genevieve, keep wat.c:b and ward t<>-night.
For oar God ~th crUJh'd the tyrant, our God hath railed the
.And mook'd I he counsel ofthe wiae, and the nlo11r of lhe bran.
Then glory to Ria holy name, from whom all gloriee are;
.Alld glory lo our Sovereign Lord, King Henry of NaTr.rre.

Hs who hath bent him o'er the det.d
Ere the first day of death ia fled,
The first dark da.y of nothiugneu,
The laat of da.nger and diatreBI,
(Before decay's eft'a.oing fingera
lrave awept the lines where beautylingera,)
And mark'd the mUtl angelic air,
The rapture of repoae that's theN,
The fix.'d, yet tender traita that atrea.lt
The languor of the pl&cid cheelc
And-but for that~ ahl'Oude<l eye,
TLat fires not, wins not, weeps not, now,
.And but for that chill, changeleaa brow,
Where cold Obatraction'a ar'thy
Appala the gazing molll'tler a heart,
A.a if to him it oould impart
The doom he dreada, yet dwells upon ;
Yea, but for thoae and these alone,
Some momenta, ay, one treachero118 hour,
He still might doubt the tyl'llnt'a power;
So fair, so calm, eo eofUy Mal'd,
The firat, 13.et look by death reveal'd I
Such i.e the aepecl of this shore;
Tie Greece, but !iring Greece no mot~ I
So coldly sweet, so deadly faiT,
We start, for soul ie wanting theN.
Hera iB the loveline1111 in death,
That p!U'ta not quite with parting br•tll;
Bat beauty with thAt fearful biOObl,
That hue which haunts it to the tomb,
Expreaaio.n'alaat receding ray,
A gilded halo hovering round decay,
The far-ewell beam of Feeling put away 1
Spe.rk of that flame, perchance of heavenly birth,
Which glea.ma, but warms no more ita cberiah'd earth I
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