A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1
Here woman reigna; the mother, daugbter 1 wife,
Stnw with fresh flowers the narrow way or life I
In the clear heaven of her delightful eye,
An angel-guard of loves and graoee lie ; ·
Aroona her kneea domeatie cfutiea meet,
And ii.reaide pleuurea gambol at her feet.
Where ahall that land, that apot of earth be found 1
Art thou a man t-a patriot f-look around ;
Oh, thou shAlt find, how e'er thy footateps roam,
That land tAy COWltry, and that apot thy home I

'bt" Japptef i paf.
Btrr where to find that happiest apot below,
Wbo can direct, when all pretend to know t
The shuddering tellJ\.Ut of the frigid zone,
Boldly proclaims that happieet 11pot his own ;
Extola the treune or his atormy aeaa,
And hla long nighta of revelry a~~d eue:
The naked negro, panting at the line,
Bouta of h.ia golden sands and palm7. wine,
:Baaka in the glare, or atema the tep1d wave,
.A.nd thaub liia goda for all the good they gave.
Such ia the patriot's bout wbere'er we roam,
Ria tint beat country ever i.e at hOJne.

. 0oLDB.IflTB,

~ «aunitt• htat !ltfmu.
~· Doet intend
To b&niah the firm troova before wh011e valour
:Ba.rbarian milliona ahrink appa11'd, and leave
Our city naked to the fil'llt .-ult
Of rec\leea {oee I
ltm. No, Crythea!-in onnelvea,
l.o our own honest hearta anu cbainleu bands,
Will be our afeguard :-while we aeek no \188
Ofarma we would not have our children blend
With their firat innocent wishes; while the love
Of country and of justice ahall be one
To their young reaeon ; while their ainewa grow
Firm 'midat tlie gladne111 of heroic aportt~:
We ahall not uk to guard our country's peact>,
One Ml.1iah pa.uion, or one venal eword. T AUOtTB.D.

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