A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1


!nilmati.ont of !nnnortalltu, from ~ll.caitmaJJ!

6adu '!Jilb~oob.

Tu.Ku wu a time when meadow, grove, and stnam,
Tbe earth, and every common eight,
To me did ae.em
Apparell'd in celt,atial light,
The glory and the fre:ilhness of a dream.
It i1 not now ae it hath been of yore ;-
Turn wheresoe'e1· I may,
By ni~ht or do.y,
The things wh 1 ch I bi!I.VI! seen I now can aee no more.

The Rainbow corne1 and goea,
And lovely ia the. Roae ;
The Moon dotb vrith delight
Look .round her when. the heaveDJI an bare,
Watel'8 on a etar;rJ night.
Are bea11tiful and fair;
Tho aunahine ia a glorious birth;
But. yet. I know, whel'll'er 1 go,
That there hath p11st away a glory from the eartL.

Now, while the bitda thus 1ing "joyou• 10ug,
And while the young lambs bound
.Aa to the tabor'a sound
To me alone there e&lllle a t hought of grlef:
A timely utterance g~~ve that thoUiht relief,
And I again am etrong :
The c::\tara.c:ta blow tbteir trumpeta from tbe al.eep;
No more ahall grief of mine the aeuons wrong;
I hear the .Echoes through the mountaina throng,
The Win~ come to me from the fiel~ of alaep, '
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