A book of English poetry; ed. by T. Shorter

(avery) #1


The Yootb, who daily farther from the eut
Huat travet 1 still is Nature'• Prieat,
And by the vision splendid
Ia on hie way attended ;
At length the mm perceive& it die away,
And fade into the light of common day.
Earth fills her lap with pleasures of her own ;
Yearnings she bath in her own natur!U kiud,
And, even with something of a Mother'& mind,
And no unworthy aim,
Tlte homely Nu1'8e doth all she eno
To make her Foster-child, her Inmate MAn,
Forget the glories he hath known,
And tha.t imperial palACfl whence be came.

Beboltl the Child among his new-born Lli118es,
A lix: ye&n~' Darling of a pigmy aize I
See, where 'mid work of his ow11 hand he lies,
Fretted by sallies of his mother'• kissea;
With light upon him from bia father's eyes I
See, at hia feet, some little plan or cbut,
Some fragmtont from hie dream of human life,
Sb&ped by himself with new ly-learoed art;
A wedding or a festivRI,
A mourning or a funeral,
And this bath now his hea.rt 1
And unto this he frames hie song:
Then will be fit hie tongue
To dio.logue11 of business, love, or strife ;
But it will not be ]onlf
Ere this be throWD &!llde,
And with new joy anti pride
The little Actor cons anot.her ~;
Filling from time to time hie ' bumoroua stage"
With iill the Persona 1 doWD to p&laled Age,
That Life brings witn her ln her eqnipnge;
Aa if his whole vocation
Were endle1111 imitation.

Tbon, whoee exterior aemblanoe doth belie
Thy Soul's immeDBity ;
Thou beat Philoaopber, who yet doat keep
Thy heritage ; thou Eye among the blind,
That, deaf ADa eilent, read'at the eternal deep,
Han.oted for ever by the eternal mind,-

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