H.&tu& I come creeping, creeping ner,whln i
By the duaty road~de 7
On the sunny hill-side,
Close ~Y the noisy brook.
In every shady nook,
I oome CNeping, creeping everywhere.
Here I come creeping, l!tlliUng enrrwbere;
All round t he open door
Where Bit the aged poor,
Here, where the children_ play
In the bright and marry Hay,
I come creeping, creeping etel'Ywhere.
Here I come creeping, creeping everywhere 1
In the noisy elt{y street
My pleasant f'llce you'll meet,
Cheering the Bick at heart,
Toiling his busy pt.rt,
Silently creeping, creeping evel'Ywhere.
Here I come creeping, creeping &Verywhere;
You cannot see me coming,
Nor be&.r my low sweet bllmmiu1;
For in the a~ry night,
And the glad morning light,
I oome quietly creeping everywhere.
Here I come creeping, creeping everywhere 1
More welcome tb&ll the ftowen
In summer's pleasant houn :
Tbe gentle cow is glad,
And the merry bird not aad,
To see me creeping, cr~eping everywb~re.
Here I come creeping, creeping everywh eJ.'e;
My bumble song of praise
Moat _gratefu1ly l ra11e
To H1m, at wboee command
I beautify the land,
Creeping, ailently oreeping nerywhere.
S.t.uB Boaxa'l'8.